We put FPGAs at the core of our organization, with the understanding that they are only part of yours. By considering everything from system design to software integration tests part of our assignment, we will help you realize your next product.
Raising the bar for FPGA design services
Truestream can be your flexible development partner for your next product. During the years we have built a portfolio of common building blocks used in many designs. With Truestream, you get access to these so that we can focus on creating the core of your product. These also serve as an example as to what you can expect from us in terms of documentation and performance.
With a soft spot for audio
With a lifelong interest in high-quality audio, we strongly believe that FPGAs are a great way to stay relevant in the audio business.
Want to talk to us?
Feel free to contact us if you want to know more about FPGAs or what we do. We are more than happy to answer questions and discuss ideas that you might have!
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